Feature Drinks

Caramel Fig Old Fashion
Bourbon, Ballotin Caramel Turtle, balsamic soaked figs, orange bitters, simple syrup
Whiplash Expresso Martini
Whiplash Whipped cream whiskey, Owens expresso mix
Mulled wine
Merlot, Cointreau, oranges, brown sugar & spices
Italian Margarita
tequila, amaretto, lime juice & orange juice
Spiked Hot Chocolate or Coffee
choose from Fratello, Baileys, Amaretto, Peppermint Schnapps it Whoipped Cream whiskey
Cherry Vanilla Mule MOCKTAIL
vanilla syrup, cherry juice, lime juice, ginger beer
Pineapple Jalapeno Margarita
tequila, triple sec, muddled jalapeno & pineapples, lime juice & pineapple juice
Hibiscus Mule
Vodka, Hibiscus liquer, lime juice & ginger beer
Toasted Marshmellow Espresso Martini
vanilla vodka, Baileys, Kahlua, espresso. garnished with a graham cracker rim and toasted marshmellow
Raspberry Rye Old Fashioned
Rye, simple syrup, bitters & raspberries
Peanut Butter & Jelly Old Fashioned
Peanut butter whiskey, Chambord, black walnut bitters